Velaction's Online Presence
Over the years, we've tried to figure out how to bring great content into one location simply, easily, and cost effectively. What we keep discovering is that you need the right tool for the job, and trying to make a web service do too much breaks more than it fixes.
So, instead of forcing square pegs into round holes, we've decided to create our main site at, and attach specialty sites to it as subdomains.
- Our main site. Includes the online version of our reference guide and loads of articles.
- Velaction Store: Located at As you can imagine, this is where you can buy our products and services. We do have this loosely integrated with our training platform, CI Central, so you can purchase training products alongside the items we sell in our store.
- CI Central: Located at This is an online training platform that can do a lot to present great learning resources to you. Check out the site guide at the top of the page to learn how to navigate around.
- Velaction Videos (YouTube Edition): Now nearly 8000 subscribers, it provides a good indication of the value we offer in our training programs. It contains a mix of full videos as well as excerpts the videos at Velaction Videos and CI Central.